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Siren Jacket




This is my siren painted jacket which tuck me a week to paint because i didn't put a base cote on the jacket before adding acrylic paints to the jacket. So the paint soaked in the the fabric which meant I had to add more layers on then I expected. I did the blue and purple background before I draw the siren on the back of the jacket. After painting the background I began to paint the cuffs, lining and collar, I did these in green and orange to make the jacket look brighter and more a peeling to the eye. Next I added a cork outline of what I wanted to draw as cork is easy to get off without taking any of the paint off. Then started to add the different layers of paint to the ruff outline to make skin colours and the hair colours, I let that all dry then added more detail by adding eyes,lips and a strong nose. I added highlights with white paint and details like the shading of the hair and lips with pens. I felt like something was missing so I added flowers and some tattoos. I also added a gold band at the bottom to add a more girly feel to it. To make sure my painting doesn't come off i used 3 layers of acrylic lock in spray.


The photo I did on the back was a tattoo of a beautiful lady but I added my own twist to things as i didn't want the painting to be done in grays, I wanted to do a bright and colourful lady as I wanted people to be able to enjoy what I thought a siren would look like. I would love to do this again as I enjoyed painting on fabric and I loved letting people see a little peace of what I think about sirens and what they look like.



The equipment that I used where:

  • A men Size M jacket

  • A ruler

  • white cork

  • size 1, 3, 5, 10, 13, 22 paint brush

  • black, red, green, gray, purple and blue marker pen

  • white, yellow, blue, green,pink, gold, brown and red acrylic paint

  • acrylic lock in spray paint

I would of loved to make other peaces of clothing to see how I can handle other fabrics. I over all love the way this jacket came out. I wouldn't change anything about this jacket but I will remember to add a base cote before adding acrylic paint to the back of the jackets.








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