A mermaid is a sea creature that is in most places, they are mostly female ms and are knowing to driver most sailors to their deaths by one of two why:
The first way is by singing to them until they drown there self because they can’t bear to live with out the sweet music of there mermaids.
The second way is by singing or talking to the men and then promise them a kiss that will make them be able to breathe under water. Instead they drag them down to the deep sea to drown them. If they do kids you, you can definitely breathe under water but this has only happened to two men because the mermaids fell in love with them after the men saved them.
There are not a lot of old mermaids some people think it’s because the mermaids take the years that the man would have had left if the where kind and healthy. And other people think it’s because they younger mermaids kill the older ones so they can keep killing men without getting sleepy. Mermaid can also take on human form once every few days to pick out the next group of sailors to die, sometimes a human mermaid will sneak on to the ship to make sure the sailors are heading to their deaths.