Noel does all his drawings in different colour fine liners. By overlapping different colours he is able to make skin tones and shades. He loves drawing hands and bugs. He based the hands on photos off his own hands and adds in things like flowers, bees and other bugs. Noel also draws using maskers/ highlighters.
Most colours you see in his drawing is:
pink fine liner/marker
blue fine liner/marker
green fine liner/marker
red fine liner/marker
black fine liner
yellow fine liner/marker
white gel pen
gray fine liner/marker
These are the colours he uses most, He uses these colour to do the skin tones and shades which gives him a perfect skin tone but he also leaves a lot of blank spaces to add in highlight. Other times he just uses a white gel pen to add highlights.Noel makes sure you can see all the beautiful colours and detail he puts in to his work.
My personal opinion about Noel Badges Pugh is
that his work is simple beautiful and breath taking.
I love the way he adds shadows to hes colourful
drawings. I would like to learn how to do this as i
have never been good at making skin tones,
never mind with pens. He seems to love adding
bright pinks and yellows to all most all his drawings which gives his work a nice balance between the mane object and the plan white background.
If I could do a drawing like his work i wound try to do some dark skin tones as well as some light skins tones. The reason I would do this is because I think the yellows would pop better with more of a brown tone skin instead of a pink/blue tone skin. I would also add animals as well as bugs, I would do this because i would love to see what a fox or bird would look like in this style.